Quote of the Week

"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will" - Mahatma Gandhi

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Don't be Afraid to Grab the Iron - Women and Strength Training

Weight Training?!?….Ain’t nobody got time for that
For most women the scariest and most intimidating section of the gym is wherever you find dumbbells, barbells, benches, and Johnny Bravo looking men grunting with every rep. The thought is if we curl dumbbells, we are going to end up with biceps like The Hulk.

A better image of a toned woman would be Amanda Latona, IFBB Bikini Pro. Now before you send me a text about how she is a bionic woman and you have no desire to be that hard, allow me to explain why I featured Ms. Latona in this week’s blog. Everyone’s goal is not to walk around everyday looking as though they just stepped off the stage. The point here is that weight lifting, heavy squats, and weighted lunges will not produce mass amounts of muscle. These exercises will tone your physique and have you in the best shape of your life!

No matter your goals, strength training should be a part of your routine. Clean eating, strength training, and cardio will have you  seeing results  faster than it took Alabama to score on Notre Dame in the National Title game (sorry…the football lover in me took over for a second).

Take time to read these articles on the benefits of strength training:

Where to Start
Hopefully I am starting to talk you into trying some new things next time you go to the gym. If this is the first time you have stepped away from the cardio section of the gym, you are probably looking at the racks and scratching your head. Don’t worry. We have all been through it. My suggestion for everyone starting out is to employ a personal trainer. A trainer will help you learn the basics and put together workout routines. If you cannot afford a personal trainer, the next option would be group training. Check with your local gym to find out what types of weight training classes they offer.
There are several websites and magazines that provide sample workouts, and break down which exercises to perform for each muscle group. While I am a frequent viewer and subscriber, I recommend working with someone first to ensure you understand proper form before performing any exercises. What’s the point of having toned thighs and glutes if you are bedridden with an injury? Safety first!!!

Here are a few websites to research:
Food of the Week
This week I encourage you to try some good old fashioned oats. The challenge is to eat straight from the tub (non-quick) oats, and not the flavored pre-packaged oatmeal. I can only imagine the faces that were made while you were reading that, but here’s the fun part. This will allow you to be creative, and come up with oatmeal combinations that you may have never thought of. Here are some examples:
  •  Instead of the packaged Banana nut flavor try this - this does not have nearly as much sugar as the pre-packaged version, but it packs just as much flavor:
a.       1 cup Almond Milk
b.      ½ cup Oats
c.       Half of a banana
d.      ¼ cups Walnuts
                                                               i.      Mash the banana in a small bowl and set aside
                                                             ii.      Bring milk to a boil in a small sauce pan; add oats and mashed banana
                                                            iii.     Allow the Oatmeal to cook to your desired consistency
                                                           iv.      Chop walnuts into small pieces (if not already chopped), and sprinkle atop oatmeal.
  • A few more toppings for your oatmeal:
a.       Fresh or frozen Blueberries
b.      Raisins
c.      Walnuts
d.      Mix a little natural peanut butter in a saucepan with the milk and allow it to melt before adding the oatmeal. It gives you a creamy nutty protein packed breakfast
e.      If the berries don’t sweeten it enough for you simply add a little Stevia (all natural sweetener)
There are probably a million things you can throw in your oatmeal so start mixing, and BE CREATIVE!

Recipe of the Week
Those were some great breakfast ideas, but oatmeal is also great in snacks. The fiber will keep you full until your next meal, and keep you away from your coworker’s candy bag that’s hidden in the bottom drawer of the file cabinet that he keeps unlocked (not that I am speaking from experience). 

These Dark Chocolate Espresso Granola Bars from Oxygen magazine are great as an afternoon or pre-workout snack. I skip the chocolate chips and espresso beans (mostly because I couldn’t find them), and instead add raisins and walnuts. Enjoy!

My Status Update
Last week I had my body fat percentage checked, and I came in at 23.5%. My goal was to reach 22% so I am a lot closer than I originally thought. Some changes I have made to my diet and workout this last month are:
  • Eliminated Turkey Smoked Sausage from breakfast to reduce my sodium intake
  • Attempting to eliminate my regular weekend diet sodas 
  • Added cardio back into my workout  - I still do group training sessions on Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday
    • I work legs on Monday mornings and cardio Monday evenings
    • Tuesday I work upper body followed by 30 minutes of cardio
    • 30-40 minutes of cardio on Fridays
  • Increased water intake
I made these changes in hopes that I can shed some body fat and get down to my goal weight of 155. I can honestly say this has been working. I was at 165 from March 2012 to January 2013. I started adding cardio back into my workout routine, and I am now down to 161. Six pounds and 1.5% Body fat to go. That Victoria Secret Bikini is in my future. So that I can have an image to work towards, I hope to be wearing this bikini bottom at someone’s pool this June.

So challenge #2 for this week is to make a list of changes you want to incorporate into your diet and workout routine. Next week, start your new routine and document any changes you notice. Leave a comment, and let me know how it’s going. Good Luck!!!